CIP (clean in place) nozzle

Why You Need Clean In Place (CIP) Systems For Spiral Freezers and IQF Tunnels

Food processing facilities and food processors must be vigilant about hygiene. Their business depends on it.  For decades, Advanced Food Equipment (AFE) has helped food processing operations maintain sanitation with the most hygienic and efficient Individual Quick Freezing (IQF) freezers and cooling equipment for all kinds of food products. AFE’s comprehensive Clean In Place systems for spiral freezers and IQF tunnels provide easy-to-operate, automated washing capabilities that save money and help eliminate downtime.

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Top 5 Reasons for Freezer Preventive Maintenance

AFE services a gear motor on a freezer unit
An AFE service technician performs freezer preventive maintenance by inspecting a Gearmotor, bearing, sprocket alignment, and shaft inspection.

We all know the benefits of preventive maintenance and its role in preventing or limiting potential future issues or breakdowns. Simpler, less involved tasks that are completed today can help avoid complex, more expensive tasks in the future.

Proper maintenance will increase equipment reliability, reduce unscheduled downtime, loss of production, and other associated costs for emergency repairs.  Simply stated, your company can establish a more effective method of managing maintenance within your facility.

An AFE Service Contract is an effective maintenance plan that can offer your food processing operation the following benefits:

  1. Maintain Operation Readiness
  2. Less Equipment Failure
  3. Maintain Personnel and Equipment Safety
  4. Continued Freezing Consistency of Your Products(s)
  5. Maximize Hygiene Control with Systems Having CIP and Other Cleaning Functions

Today, let’s explore the first benefit of having an AFE Service Contract. Continue reading

Prevent Product Contamination With AFE’s Unsurpassed Hygienic Designs

Whomever coined the phrase “There is no such thing as bad publicity” clearly never worked in the food industry. When it comes to food prep, all publicity matters because having a positive consumer perception of your company is the key to success. That’s why companies big and small understand the seriousness of making headlines for product contamination.

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The Importance of Maintenance

a site-built spiral freezer

The status of your freezing and cooling equipment is important to us long after it reaches your business. If you read our article “AFE Approach”, then you already know that we pride ourselves in finding the equipment you need for your business to thrive. Preparation. Transportation. Delivery. But what happens to your equipment after it’s delivered?

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Chilling with AFE

2 scoops of chocolate ice-cream on a cone

Summer temperatures are soaring across the country and when things heat up, you want to make sure those ice-cold dairy products stay cold. Ice cream. Cheese. Milk. Yogurt. That only works if your IQF freezer is in proper working order. If you read our article, “The Hottest Thing In Keeping Cool“, then you already know we use custom machinery and the latest technology to design a freezer to fit your specific needs. You know your products best but we also know a thing or two about freezing dairy!

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Frozen Bakery: A Global Market

frozen bakery goods on a plate next to an egg and fork Frozen bakery goods have seen renewed popularity in large part due to the high demand for food durability. With the hectic lifestyle of the average person, the reason for our frozen food preference is obvious. Frozen baked goods, when compared to traditional ones, have a longer lifespan. In addition, increasing disposable incomes means consumers eating habits have changed, further stimulating the frozen bakery market. Cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and other baked goods have crossed over from the traditional “after-dinner desert” to indulgent between-meal snacks. This increased spending and snacking are important factors that have contributed to the growth of frozen bakery items in the past several years.

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Premium IQF Banana

3 bananas in a wire bowl Bananas have been one of the most popular and consumed fruit worldwide for hundreds of years. It’s not surprising that this delicious fruit is a favorite among adults and children. They are a great choice for a quick power snack, being easy to digest for a quick energy boost. They also are low in cholesterol and fat, along with being important sources of potassium and fiber. These health benefits combined with low-cost and worldwide availability make it no surprise that the banana is so popular.

The big problem with this popular fruit? They spoil easily! This means the normal methods of refrigeration cannot maintain their original freshness and texture. With improper storage and moisture maintenance, regularly frozen bananas will clump together or become freezer burnt. That is where the IQF Banana comes in.

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IQF Rice Preparation and Packaging

a bowl of rice Rice is one of the most popular items on the worldwide market. With the fast-growing market for ready meals, the demand for rice is expected to grow significantly between 2017 and 2022. Along with the growing market, comes the increasing number of rice varieties available. Wholegrain, wild rice, and black rice are some varieties that have gained popularity due to the growing trend for healthier meals. While the demand for rice and rice varieties is increasing, there is still the challenge of processing rice for freezing which needs to be addressed.

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Blueberries: A True Superfood

a bowl of frozen blueberries

Blueberries are a fast-growing product in high demand. From bakeries to your local supermarket, frozen blueberries have endless potential. They are often eaten fresh, frozen or juiced and also used in a variety of baked goods, jams, jellies and for flavorings. This berry is truly a superfood, containing several vitamins, beneficial plant compounds, and antioxidants. A low-calorie food that is also sweet to the taste, it is not surprising that the demand has increased. However, frozen blueberries present their own challenges. It is overcoming these challenges that create a high-quality product.

Health Benefits of Blueberries

Blueberries may have benefits for heart, brain, and blood sugar health. Studies have found a relationship between berries and improved heart health. They also suggest that blueberries have significant health benefits for people with high blood pressure. This is because blueberries inhibit oxidation of LDL cholesterol, a step in the heart disease process.

A higher intake of flavonoid-rich food is also associated with better brain function. Consuming blueberries can prevent oxidative stress, which plays a role in the aging process. They may also improve brain function directly. One study states drinking blueberry juice every day for 12 weeks improved memory in 9 older adults with early memory decline. Another six-year study found that blueberries and strawberries delayed brain aging by up to 2.5 years in older adults.
People with diabetes are sensitive to rapid changes in blood sugar. They need to be cautious when they eat foods rich in carbohydrates. Blueberries contain moderate amounts of sugar, but do not have adverse effects on blood sugar levels. This is due to their high content of bioactive compounds. In fact, blueberries can have beneficial effects on blood sugar control. One study found that two blueberry smoothies a day for six weeks helped improve insulin sensitivity in obese people who were at a high risk of developing diabetes. They may also affect blood sugar levels directly after a high-carb meal by blocking certain digestive enzymes and reducing blood sugar spikes.

Freezing Blueberries:

When freezing blueberries, the common challenges are with appearance, yield, and dehydration. For appearance, you want to avoid surface cracks and burns that occur due to slow freezing time and/or usage of metal belts. You also need to keep dehydration at a minimum, while keeping yield and profitability high. Washing and destemming are also common practices for blueberries.

After pretreating, the blueberries are ready for freezing. Because of the delicate nature of blueberries, it is imperative to choose the right freezing equipment if you want to preserve the natural appearance after freezing. The optimum result should be well separated, natural looking blueberries. High-quality IQF blueberries can be sold easily at a premium price.

Choose AFE

Achieve high quality with AFE. Together we can choose the best freezer and features that can contribute to a natural appearance, low dehydration, and high yield. While being highly hygienic, our freezers also have adjustable fan speeds for optimal airflow. The result is a gentle, but quick crust freeze with minimal snow formation. Minimal snow means less dehydration of the product, resulting in higher yield and more profit.

High efficiency, easy maintenance, and cleaning make our IQF Freezers the ideal choice. Our equipment is fabricated with stainless steel and expert welding for exceptional sanitation and durability. Each piece far exceeds industry standards for health, cleanliness, and energy savings to give you the best results for your business.

The Science Behind Freezing

The Science Behind Freezing

an overflowing cup of blueberries Freezing is used as a preservation method for almost all foods. From fruits and vegetables to meat and seafood, freezing is a popular way to keep food fresh after harvesting. With an extended shelf life and more nutrients, frozen products are frozen when they have the most minerals and vitamins. However, what exactly happens when food is being frozen?

Chemical Changes

We all know that fruits and vegetables start to deteriorate right when they are harvested. Freezing happens right after harvesting to seal in the taste and texture of the product at its peak degree of ripeness. However, the chemistry behind this is a little more complicated. Fresh produce contains enzymes, which cause the loss of color, loss of nutrients, flavor changes, and color changes. These enzymes have to be inactivated to prevent these reactions.

For vegetables, enzymes are inactivated with blanching. Blanching exposes vegetables to boiling water or steam for a short period of time. Then the vegetable is rapidly cooled in ice water to prevent it from cooking. Blanching also helps destroy microorganisms on the surface of the vegetable and it makes some vegetables, like broccoli, more compact.

With fruit, the enzymes cause brown colors and a loss of vitamin C. Because fruits are normally served raw, they can’t be blanched like vegetables. Instead, these enzymes are controlled with chemical compounds that interfere with the enzymes. Ascorbic acid, vitamin C, is the most popular chemical used and can be used in its pure form or mixed with sugar. Soaking in dilute vinegar and a coating of sugar and lemon juice is another option.

Textural Changes

With fruits and vegetables, the textural changes have to do with water. Water makes up 70-90% of the weight of most fruits and vegetables. It and other substances are stored in the rigid cell walls which support the structure and texture of the product. When you freeze a fruit or vegetable, you are freezing the water contained in the cells. As the water freezes, it expands, and ice crystals cause the cells walls to rupture. This causes the texture to be much softer when it is thawed than when it was raw. This is why some vegetables, like celery and lettuce, are not usually frozen. In order to control the extent of cell wall rupture, you have to freeze the produce as quickly as possible. With rapid freezing, a large number of small ice crystals form compared to slow freezing which forms fewer larger crystals.Because of the soft texture when thawed, most frozen fruits are served when they are not completely thawed. In a partially thawed state, the effects of freezing are less noticeable. It is also less noticeable for products that are cooked before eating because cooking also softens cell walls.

Individual Quick Freezing

Don’t go for the one-size-fits-all approach. Individual Quick Freezing is the ideal choice for high-value produce. Your produce will maintain its natural appearance, texture, and color when frozen in an IQF Tunnel. An IQF Tunnel will not only lock in nutrients but also ensure the highest quality product that can be sold at a premium price. At AFE each piece of equipment is crafted with full dedication to hygiene, quality, and cleanliness. Fully Welded Stainless Steel enclosures will ensure the highest degree of sanitation in the industry and long-term durability.  Cleanliness and hygiene are critical considerations when it comes to food processing and preservation. Our IQF Tunnels can be fabricated using fully welded stainless steel panels or stainless steel clad panels that provide exceptional sanitation and durability. Each piece far exceeds the industry standards for health, cleanliness, and energy savings to give you the best results for your business. For any of your freezing needs, look to AFE for a wide variety of freezer and cooler products.