blast freezing

Blast Freezing: The Means and Method Behind Rapid Temperature Reduction Technology

Blast freezing is an industrial food preservation process that involves the quick freezing of food (usually in individual portions) through exposure to extremely cold rapidly moving air.

While such products can be frozen for storage in standard industrial freezers, in order to freeze items in a much shorter time—to “flash-freeze” or “blast freeze” them— industry professionals often rely on specially-designed Blast Freezers. Blast Freezers combine a standard freezer’s static temperature reduction ability with enhanced methods (such as blower fan air-exchange technology) to subject products to much colder temperatures, usually through direct application in the form of hyper-cold air. This physical process (commonly referred to by the weather prediction services as “wind chill”) can rapidly lower the temperature of exposed items, freezing them very quickly.

Blast Freezer Temperature

How Cold Does a Blast Freezer Get?

Depending upon the size of the unit and the technology used, the temperature of a Blast Freezer can vary from -10 ° C (14 ° F) to -120 ° C (-184 ° F).

Most industrial Blast Freezers generate an air temperature of -30 ° C to -40 ° C. For example, our AFE Blast Freezer units are designed to reliably maintain a supply air temperature of between -30 ° C (-22 ° F) and -65 ° C (-85 ° F) depending on the required capacity needed for product freezing. This can freeze products to -60 ° C (-76 ° F).

Why Use a Blast Freezer?

When any object freezes, the water contained inside that object will crystallize into ice. The longer the freezing process takes, the larger the ice crystals. Larger ice crystals can damage a frozen item at the cellular level. Rapid freezing produces smaller crystals and preserves frozen items with greater integrity, adding to the quality of their preservation. In the food industry, health and safety benefits are also present since such extreme cold slows down the growth of bacteria. The faster an item can be frozen, the shorter the period that item is exposed to potential contamination. In addition, scientific studies have shown that if you flash-freeze certain fruits or vegetables their cell structure degrades much less, and they retain nutrients far better than items frozen more slowly.

How Cold is a Blast Freezer vs a Freezer?

While standard freezers are usually kept at 0 ° C (32 ° F), as mentioned above, blast freezing typically operates at much colder air temperatures of -30 ° C to -40 ° C.

How Fast Does a Blast Freezer Freeze?

Compared to the freezing power of a normal static storage freezer, the much colder temperature in a Blast Freezer can cut the duration of the freezing process by half (or even more). A large quantity freezing process that would normally take between 6-12 hours in a standard freezer might be reduced to 3 hours or less in a Blast Freezer, or even as quickly as 30 minutes if smaller items are being individually frozen by a very efficient unit.

When faster freezing times are required, there are also other options available to reduce freezing times. These include Spiral Freezers, Contact Belt Freezers, Plate Freezers, and other task-dedicated devices designed to rapidly take products through an enhanced (and much quicker) freezing process.

A similar device to the Blast Freezer is the Blast Chiller (or quick chiller) which also uses cold air to rapidly cool items (usually recently prepared food) down to a more manageable temperature, preparing them to be fully frozen in a standard freezer.

Benefits of Using Rapid Temperature Reduction Systems in the Food Industry

1. Enhanced Food Safety

Microbial Control: Rapid cooling slows or stops the growth of harmful bacteria, such as Listeria, Salmonella, and E. coli, which thrive at warmer temperatures. This significantly reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses.

Compliance with Regulations: Adhering to stringent food safety standards and regulations is easier when using advanced cooling technologies that ensure rapid temperature reduction and proper storage conditions.

2. Prolonged Shelf Life

Minimized Spoilage: By quickly reducing the temperature, the spoilage process caused by enzymatic and microbial activities is delayed, allowing products to remain fresh for longer periods.

Reduced Waste: Longer shelf life leads to less food waste at various stages of the supply chain, from production to retail and eventually, consumer households.

3. Preservation of Quality

Nutrient Retention: Rapid freezing and cooling methods help in preserving the nutritional content of food, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can be degraded by slow cooling or prolonged exposure to ambient temperatures.

Texture and Flavor Maintenance: Quick freezing helps in maintaining the texture and flavor of food products by forming smaller ice crystals that do not rupture cell walls, ensuring the food retains its original characteristics after thawing.

4. Operational Efficiency

Faster Processing Times: Rapid cooling allows food producers to reduce processing times, increasing throughput and productivity. This is crucial in large-scale food production operations where time efficiency directly impacts profitability.

Energy Savings: Advanced cooling systems are designed to be energy-efficient, reducing operational costs associated with refrigeration while maintaining high performance.

5. Product Differentiation

Quality Assurance: Companies that invest in state-of-the-art cooling technologies can market their products as higher quality, fresher, and safer, gaining a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Consumer Trust: Consistent quality and safety through rapid temperature reduction builds consumer trust, leading to brand loyalty and repeat purchases.

Blast Freezing systems are indispensable in the modern food production industry, offering significant benefits that range from enhanced food safety and extended shelf life to improved product quality and operational efficiency. As consumer demand for fresh, high-quality, and safe food products continues to grow, the application of these advanced cooling technologies will continue to play a vital role in meeting industry standards and ensuring global food security.

For food manufacturers and processors looking to enhance their operations, Advanced Food Equipment (AFE) provides a range of state-of-the-art rapid cooling and freezing systems and equipment designed to meet the diverse needs of the food industry. Whether you are freezing fruits, vegetables, seafood, meat, or bakery products, our targeted solutions ensure optimal results.

Your partners at Advanced Food Equipment LLC. invite you to explore the durability and craftsmanship of the products we offer. We think you’ll agree— AFE is passionately dedicated to providing our customers with the best and most effective long-term equipment options available when anticipating all of your food production needs.

Contact us to work with you in developing your food production strategy today!